Computers & Technology

Public Computers

All branch locations offer computers with internet access free of charge, based on availability. 

Access: What you view is not private and other people can see it – be considerate. When you send information on the internet it may be possible for others to see it on public computers. Use internet computers at your own risk.

Filtering: All internet workstations have filters that block illegal and explicit sexual content. Members over age 18, with proof of age, can request the filtering be temporarily removed. Although filters are in place, restriction of a child’s access to the internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.

NOTE: All computers shut down 15 minutes before the branch closes. 

Accessing eBooks, eAudiobooks, Movies and Music

  • Yes, titles can be downloaded to your device so that you do not need the internet to read or listen.

  • 21-day loan period; 7 total checkouts at a time; 5 total holds at a time.

  • Yes, as long as the title does not have any holds on it. Three days prior to your book expiring a ‘Renew’ button will appear in the My Books area. The book will be renewed for an additional 21-day loan period.
  • Apple iPad, Apple iPhone, Apple iPod Touch only (no other iPods are compatible), Android, Chrome, Fire (Amazon), Mac OS, Nook, Windows; MP3 players are not compatible with cloudLibrary due to Digital Rights Management and the ability for titles to be kept on those devices without expiring.
  • No, cloudLibrary will use your existing library card number.
  • Yes. Tap on View Cards from the home screen then ‘Add’ New.

Computers & Technology Classes

Get Our App!Get Our App!

Search, borrow and place holds on Library materials. Power up with the PBCLS app!

Search, borrow and place holds on Library materials. Power up with the PBCLS app!

Access EBSCO LearningExpress Resource

LearningExpress: Online Learning Made Easy

Online learning with skill-building modules, test preparation materials, citizenship exam prep and practice exams.

Learn Online With Udemy!

An online learning tool with courses available in a wide range of categories including leadership, software and personal development.
Access Mousercise

Learn How to use a Mouse!

Learn how to use a mouse using this fun game.
Access Tech-Talk Website


Tech-Talk is a premier collection of articles, videos, and webinars developed each week by top training experts.


Access Mobile Hotspot FAQ

Free Wi-Fi HotSpots

Ask a staff member how to checkout the internet for free with a Wi-Fi HotSpot. Connect up to 10 devices. Can be borrowed for 21 days!

More Technology at The Library

Access Lending Laptops FAQ

Lending Laptops

Palm Beach County Library System cardholders, 16 years of age and older, may borrow a laptop for a period of two hours for in branch use.

Looking for assistive technology? Check out what our Library offers!

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