Streaming & Downloading

eBooks & eAudiobooks


cloudLibrary offers a vast selection of e-books & audiobooks, including bestsellers. Borrow up to 7 books for 21 days, with 5 holds max.


Hoopla offers movies, TV, music, ebooks/audiobooks & comics. 21 day loans for ebooks/audiobooks, 3 days for movies. 10 check-outs a month.
Access All Gale Resources

Gale Virtual Library

Gale Virtual Library is an online library that provides access to reference books and other resources for research
Access EBSCO eBooks Resource

EBSCOhost eBook Collection

A collection of e-books (full-text electronic versions of published books), including over 21,000 titles across all subject areas.

Music, TV & Movies


Freegal lets you stream music, videos, & audiobooks. 5 songs/week, 1-week loan period, reset every Monday at midnight.


Hoopla offers movies, TV, music, ebooks/audiobooks & comics. 21 day loans for ebooks/audiobooks, 3 days for movies. 10 check-outs a month.

Comics & Graphic Novels


cloudLibrary offers a vast selection of e-books & audiobooks, including bestsellers. Borrow up to 7 books for 21 days, with 5 holds max.


Hoopla offers movies, TV, music, ebooks/audiobooks & comics. 21 day loans for ebooks/audiobooks, 3 days for movies. 10 check-outs a month.

Get Our App!Get Our App!

Search, borrow and place holds on Library materials. Power up with the PBCLS app!

Search, borrow and place holds on Library materials. Power up with the PBCLS app!

The New York Times

The New York Times is a global news resource that offers breaking news articles, videos, and the digital book review.


Flipster is a digital magazine platform that allows users to browse, download and share magazines from a variety of publishers.
Access ProQuest The Wall Street Journal Resource

Read The Wall Street Journal

Full-text content from 1984 to present.
Access NewsBank's Palm Beach Post Collection Resource

Read The Palm Beach Post (1989-present)

Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online.

Educational Streaming

Learn Online With Udemy!

An online learning tool with courses available in a wide range of categories including leadership, software and personal development.


An online resource that offers thousands of high-quality, on-demand art & craft classes for all skill levels, from beginner to experienced.
Niche Academy Logo Linked to Their Website

Niche Academy

Niche Academy is a learning resource for Digital Media, Genealogy, Online Research, Social Media, Tech Training. Book Suggestions and more!

En Español


Flipster is a digital magazine platform that allows users to browse, download and share magazines from a variety of publishers.


cloudLibrary offers a vast selection of e-books & audiobooks, including bestsellers. Borrow up to 7 books for 21 days, with 5 holds max.


Hoopla offers movies, TV, music, ebooks/audiobooks & comics. 21 day loans for ebooks/audiobooks, 3 days for movies. 10 check-outs a month.

Electronic Materials FAQs

  • Yes, titles can be downloaded to your device so that you do not need the internet to read or listen.

  • 21-day loan period; 7 total checkouts at a time; 5 total holds at a time.

  • Yes, as long as the title does not have any holds on it. Three days prior to your book expiring a ‘Renew’ button will appear in the My Books area. The book will be renewed for an additional 21-day loan period.
  • Apple iPad, Apple iPhone, Apple iPod Touch only (no other iPods are compatible), Android, Chrome, Fire (Amazon), Mac OS, Nook, Windows; MP3 players are not compatible with cloudLibrary due to Digital Rights Management and the ability for titles to be kept on those devices without expiring.
  • No, cloudLibrary will use your existing library card number.
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