Special Collections

Step into the enchanting world of our Library's Special Collections, where knowledge intertwines with cultural richness and scholarly pursuits. Our Library's Special Collection beckons, inviting you to embark on an odyssey of exploration, discovery and inspiration.

The Foreign Language Collection

Our collection extends to a multitude of other languages, including Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and many more. From contemporary fiction to historical accounts, you'll find a diverse range of materials that allows you to further deepen your language skills while immersing yourself in captivating narratives.

For our Spanish Language Collection, click here.

In 1979, Audubon Everglades donated funds to Palm Beach County to establish an ornithological collection at the Main Library. Included in the collection are books on birding and field guides to the birds from around the globe, with special focus on North and South America.

The collection also features books about individual species of birds and about the science of ornithology. Several important multi-volume, birds-of-the-world encyclopedias are included. The collection is an ongoing project of Audubon Everglades, and it is one of the most informative and complete collections of bird books found in Florida.

Browse Our Audubon Collection


Eleven-year-old Marley Dias was frustrated by the lack of books about black girls in her school curriculum, so in November of 2015, she launched a campaign to collect 1,000 books where black girls are the main characters and #1000BlackGirlBooks was born. She had this to say: “Black girl books are not just for black girls; they are for all children because not all black girl stories are the same. Teachers, school boards and parents need to make sure that all children have access to these stories. I hope this list of books will help you learn more about the diverse experiences of black girls.” You can find our collection of #1000BlackGirlBooks throughout the Library System. The collection includes picture books, Beginning Readers, chapter books, biographies and Teen titles.

Located at the Gardens Branch, this collection provides all the tools, tips and tricks that every parent needs to help guide them in raising their child. You will find advice for handling the challenges at each stage of life and you can explore the different methods of raising a happy, healthy child.

The Parenting Collection

The Library and Information Science Collection

Found at the Main Library, this collection is the ultimate resource for aspiring librarians. It's been curated exclusively for the field of Library and Information Science. This comprehensive compilation serves as a gateway to the vast world of knowledge, empowering future librarians with the tools they need to excel in their profession.

This collection honors Haitian culture, history and language through our Haitian Cultural Collection (HCC) located at the Lantana Road Branch. The HCC consists of books for children, teens and adults written in French, Kreyol and English about Haiti, its history, its people, its cultures, arts and more! All the HCC books can be found in the Library’s online catalog and are available to be borrowed.

The Haitian Cultural Collection

The Microfilm Collection

The Main Library retains a collection of historical microfilms for select journals and newspapers. The Library offers access to a digital scanner for saving high-quality scanned images from this collection. Please contact the Research department at the Main Library for microfilm inquiries.

Step into the vibrant and diverse world of the Sunshine State with our Floridiana Collection, a treasure trove of books that encapsulate the rich history, natural beauty, and cultural heritage of Florida. This carefully curated collection is a testament to the state's unique charm and significance, featuring a wide range of literary works, historical accounts, and artistic representations that celebrate the essence of Florida.

Florida Ficition & Non-Fiction

The Floridiana Collection

Embark on a journey through Florida with our Floridiana Collection.

Floridian Connections in Fiction

An assortment of fiction set in Florida or written by authors with a personal connection to the Sunshine State.

Floridian Connections in Non-Fiction

An assortment of Sunshine State non-fiction.
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