Inspire Black Voices


Honoring Palm Beach County's First Black Leaders

Honoring Palm Beach County's First Black Leaders

Access our gallery of trailblazers and innovative leaders that have left an indelible mark on our county.

Our Special Collections


Access 1000 Black Girl Books

Read Books About Black Female Protagonists

The collection includes picture books, Beginning Readers, chapter books, biographies and Teen titles.

Haitian Heritage Collection

Access The Haitian Cultural Collection

Explore the Haitian Cultural Collection

The Haitian Cultural Collection consists of books for children, teens and adults written in French, Kreyol and English about Haiti.


Access Black Life in America Resource

Learn About the History & Culture of African Americans

The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media.

Staff Picks

Passage of Civil Rights Act 1964

Explore our specially curated booklist to explore powerful stories and pivotal moments in the fight for civil rights.

Minority Mental Health Books - Children & Teens

Racial and ethnic minorities often suffer from poor mental health outcomes due to multiple factors. This is curated for children and teens.

Racial Healing Book List

Use this list find powerful books on racial healing. It facilitates trust, builds authentic relationships and bridges divides.
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