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cloudLibrary offers a vast selection of e-books & audiobooks, including bestsellers. Borrow up to 7 books for 21 days, with 5 holds max.
Hoopla offers movies, TV, music, ebooks/audiobooks & comics. 21 day loans for ebooks/audiobooks, 3 days for movies. 10 check-outs a month.
Freegal lets you stream music, videos, & audiobooks. 5 songs/week, 1-week loan period, reset every Monday at midnight.
cloudLibrary offers a vast selection of e-books & audiobooks, including bestsellers. Borrow up to 7 books for 21 days, with 5 holds max.
Hoopla offers movies, TV, music, ebooks/audiobooks & comics. 21 day loans for ebooks/audiobooks, 3 days for movies. 10 check-outs a month.
Freegal lets you stream music, videos, & audiobooks. 5 songs/week, 1-week loan period, reset every Monday at midnight.
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Canyon Branch Grand Opening
We invite you to explore this list of kids books quoted on the public art installation on the pillars: “Opening Minds,” by Brad Goldberg.
Canyon Branch Grand Opening
We invite you to explore this list of teen books quoted on the public art installation on the pillars: “Opening Minds,” by Brad Goldberg.
Canyon Branch Grand Opening: Adult Books
We invite you to explore this list of adults books quoted on the public art installation on the pillars: “Opening Minds,” by Brad Goldberg.